Wojtyla’s Women: How They Shaped the Life of Pope John Paul II and Changed the Catholic Church was cited in a news story I wrote about the shutting down of the Voice of America radio broadcasts to Russia just days before the Russian troops attacked Georgia. The Senate staff of Barak Obama’s vice-presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden, was said to be involved in that decision.
This particular news story is not about Pope John Paul II or feminism, but in my book Wojtyla’s Women, which is devoted to the role of women in the life of the late Polish pontiff, I also write about the attempts of the Polish communist secret police and the Soviet KGB to spy on Pope John Paul II and to influence the work of journalists at the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. This part of my book has some relevance to how the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is now managing U.S. international broadcasting. You can read more about this topic on:
Wojtyla’s Women also has information about Senator Biden’s position on abortion and his interpretation of what the Catholic Church teaches on this issue.